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This Week on TV (11/26-12/2)

Notes from the Underbelly


MONDAY (11/26)

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Wednesday Ratings: ‘Bionic Woman’ Hits New Low

pulled off a major coup last night and stole a demo victory from .  The Eye network also had the largest audience overall.

Bionic Woman


  • (15.7 million, 4.3/11 in 18-49) had the night’s largest demos and audience.
  • (11.4 million, 4.2/10) was up about 220,000.
  • (3.2/8) soared to 7 million viewers.
  • (6.3 million, 2.5/6) had its worst demo performance to date.
  • (2.9 million, 1.4/4) bumped up over 400,000 from last week.


  • (13 million, 3.8/10 in 18-49 demo) easily took the hour in both categories.
  • (8.1 million, 2.9/8) dropped about 180,000 viewers.
  • (6.9 million, 2.5/7) raked in another 530,000.

America’s Next Top Model: Cycle 9: ‘The Girl Who Starts To Lose Her Cool’


Although Lisa was ecstatic about having last week’s best photo, the (internal) pressure to keep up the good work really bothered her.  Meanwhile, Heather was feeling particularly bummed about Sarah’s recent departure; the weeks of eliminations were really starting to get to her.  Of course, Bianca saw each goodbye as another reason to celebrate.  She was far more realistic about the competition than sensitive Heather.

Later the girls met Benny Ninja (posing instructor) and the Director of Elite Model Management (North America) at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising.  At the school, the ladies were paired with FIDM students who would work with them on their next challenge.  The girls were to act as muses for outfits created specifically for them.  Although each garment was built off the same basic dress, the individual interpretations had no limits.  It was simply up to each model to make sure her outfit reflected her unique personality.  Unfortunately, some of the girls were less vocal than others when it came to expressing their opinions.  Lisa simply told her designer that she loved to draw and show her legs; Heather told some weird story about feeling like a fire nymph amongst all her water nymph friends; and Bianca only managed to look confused by the proposed ‘Cleopatra on the Mediterranean Sea’ look.

Click to continue reading America’s Next Top Model: Cycle 9: ‘The Girl Who Starts To Lose Her Cool’

Reality Show Predictions

DescriptionEvery week I watch and listen to all of the football predictions, but I only really watch a couple of the (sometimes up to) sixteen games.  Sometimes I only watch one (go Steelers!).  What I do watch though is a whole bunch of reality competition shows, and I never ever see programs predict winners on those.  Maybe that’s because most of these shows have been pre-taped and their outcomes have already determined.  But I’m going to ignore all that.  So, even though I don’t have a television show (yet) (or ever, really), I’ll use this forum to make my predictions on all of the reality shows I watch (and a few I don’t).  Here they are in glorious alphabetical order:

Two episodes in, it’s still hard to tell.  You never know who’s going to get a delayed flight or rack up some bad taxi karma, but let me do my best here.  Azaria & Hendekea appear to be doing well, so I’ll put them in the final three.  Lorena & Jason did well in the second leg, and, most importantly, they have yet to annoy me, so they get to be there too.  For the final spot…I say Kynt & Vyxsin.  Yes, I know that before the show I hated them, and I still can’t stand the concept of Goth on principle alone, but they seem to be good competitors and more likeable than I would have guessed.

And the winner is…Azaria & Hendekea.  They’re smart, in shape, and being brother and sister they can fight with each other without having everything come to a grinding halt.  Congratulations, you two, in advance.  Or retrospect.  Or whatever.

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This Week on TV (11/12-11/18)

Project Runway


MONDAY (11/12)
  • Prison Break (FOX, 8pm):  ‘Lechero reveals a secret buried beneath Sona.’  He’s been linked to the hatch this whole time. (NOTE:  This will be the last new Prison episode until Jan. 14th.)
  • Heroes (NBC, 9pm):  ‘The calendar turns back four months.’  Does this mean the writers still have a chance to redo this whole season?
  • (CBS, 9pm):  ‘Charlie finds success as a children’s singing star.’  He becomes The Wiggles’ new green-shirted guy.
  • (ABC, 10pm):  This is their opportunity to make up for any embarrassing moments they didn’t have a chance to create.

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Wednesday Ratings: CMAs Bring Viewers to ABC

The - and a reunion of The Eagles - drew large numbers to .  The network scored a victory in both the viewers and the demos.


  • Nearly 16 million fans saw Carrie Underwood’s successful night at the (5.4/14 in 18-49 demo). Carrie Underwood
  • (8.1 million, 2.1/6) was actually up over 1 million from last week.
  • (6.4 million, 2.2/6) and (6.5 million, 2.4/6) were practically even with each other.
  • (6.1 million, 2.2/6) was slightly down from Halloween.
  • (2.5/7) rounded off the hour with 5.1 million.



  • (12.9 million, 3.5/10 in 18-49) was down about 1/2 million from last week.
  • (6.4 million, 2.6/7) was surprisingly up about 700,000 from one week ago.

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America’s Next Top Model: Cycle 9: ‘The Girls Who Crawl’


Ebony’s surprise decision to go home really struck a chord with the other ladies.  Ebony knew she didn’t belong in the competition anymore – but did the other girls deserve to remain?  Ambreal’s second chance came as a mixed blessing; she now had to work twice as hard to prove she really belonged.  And what about Sarah?  She was brought into the mix as this season’s plus-sized competitor.  Should an unexpected weight-loss bar her from getting any further?  Would she need to establish her place on the sizing chart before becoming ?

This week, Bianca whipped out a new strategy to bring someone else down.  Instead of nitpicking on Heather’s flaws, she criticized her good looks.  (I believe this is called the ‘Oh Woe is Me’ Defense.)  Bianca insisted that the other girls, like herself, had to work harder than Heather because they didn’t possess her natural beauty.  They couldn’t just show up to a photo shoot and just ‘sit there’.  Heather, of course, took offense to Bianca’s bitter remarks.  She denied not doing ‘anything extraordinary’ for her photos.  She considered herself to be an artist who was always thinking about her shoots.

Click to continue reading America’s Next Top Model: Cycle 9: ‘The Girls Who Crawl’

This Week on TV (11/5-11/11)

Real Housewives

**NBC will devote this whole week to the environment and inject something ‘green’ into all their shows.  To enjoy it, we must turn on our TVs.**


MONDAY (11/5)

**Special times for the ABC lineup tonight; Dancing With The Stars runs until 9:45 (pushing everything else 15 minutes late).**

  • Prison Break (FOX, 8pm):  Two-hour episode.  Michael finally learns that Sara has been murdered tonight.  I’m curious to see how steely his eyes can get.
  • Everybody Hates Chris (CW, 8pm):  ‘When Chris joins the writing staff of the school newspaper, he makes up a story about a serial killer that causes a panic in the community.’  This is what people get when they don’t pay for a real newspaper.
  • How I Met Your Mother (CBS, 8pm):  ‘Marshall learns Lily’s dirty little financial secret when he and she decide to buy an apartment.’  As Suze Orman would say: “If he didn’t realize how many pairs of shoes she had, he’s equally to blame.”
  • The Big Bang Theory (CBS, 8:30pm):  ‘The guys ask Penny to join their ‘Halo’ team.’  The only time boys ask me to play Halo is when they need someone to kill.

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Wednesday Ratings: Viewers Preoccupied With Halloween

Little goblins wanting their candy fix and a night full of reruns kept audiences away. 

Dirty Sexy Money



  • (13.5 million, 3.6/10 in 18-49 demo) easily won the hour.
  • (8.4 million, 2.9/8) remained about even with last week.
  • (5.7 million, 1.9/5) was down over 1 million from last Wednesday.

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Hollywood Reporter

TV Halloween Thrills

Halloween ghostHalloween may be coming at mid-week this year, but that’s no reason to miss out on the thrills, the chills, and the frills of the season. What’s on the TV agenda for the big night? Some networks (FOX) are showing re-runs, while others (ESPN) are ignoring the holiday completely. Where can you tune in to get the best Hallow’s Eve TV?

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TV Guide
